Sunday, June 3, 2012

Explaining Fibro to Others

Fibromyalgia is an extremely difficult syndrome for people to understand.  Honestly, it is not fully understood by anyone.  Researchers and doctors are still looking for answers regarding causes and treatments.  People who have Fibromyalgia learn to cope with the symptoms at varying levels and will learn that what works with one person with Fibromyalgia will not necessarily work for another person.  But do any of us really understand it?

As a result, explaining Fibromyalgia to other people is really difficult.  For most people, a simple explanation is probably best.  Anything where you simply state that your brain process pain differently, or there is an issue with the nervous system causing pain signals, or even simply it means I am in varying levels of pain all of the time.  Don't worry about using all of the correct technical medical terms.  Truthfully, I've found anytime I start using the medical jargon, the people I'm speaking to tend to ignore or forget whatever I've said anyway.

But our family and close friends really do need to understand Fibromyalgia more than the average acquaintances in our lives.  If they don't understand, we will end up isolating ourselves and possibly giving up the fight.  Everyone needs a support system, but your support system can't help you, if they don't really understand what you are going through.

I had a really difficult time explaining to my husband and daughters the situation I am in and try to gain the empathy I needed.  Please read "The Straw Game" to find out how I finally got my message across to my family and the journey it took to reach that "aha" moment.

Click here to read "The Straw Game"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing...the last straw is a great way to explain to others about Fibromyalgia.
