Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunshine Blog Award

Lately, many of my blogging friends have been receiving blog awards.  I love them, but have only had one before. Then, last night I was nominated for my second blog award. The Sunshine Award!

Thank you Human in Recovery for the award.  This award is especially thoughtful and special to me because it is awarded to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.”  My entire blog and life at the moment is all about finding inspirations, so being recognized for inspiring others is truly a gift.

The Rules are simple: If you are nominated, then you post the award on your blog with a link to the person who awarded it to you, answer the questions, nominate 10 bloggers, and link the nominees to the post and comment on their blog (letting them know about the award). 

If you do the post and honor the rules, then you get the award!  You can use the award image from this page to use in your post about it.

Quick Rehash of the Rules
Link the award to the person who gave it to me
Answer the 10 questions about myself
Nominate 10 bloggers for the award
Link my nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award

Human in Recovery was actually nominated by two people and had two different sets of questions, so I was able to pick and choose ten of them.  

Here are the questions that I’m asking. It’s perfectly acceptable to answer the questions with short answers, paragraphs, or even entire posts.  It is completely up to you! 

Here are the 10 Questions:
1.     Who is your favorite philosopher?
2.    What is your favorite number?
3.    What is your favorite Animal?
4.    What are your Facebook and Twitter urls?
5.    What is your favorite time of the day?
6.    What was your favorite vacation?
7.    What is your favorite physical activity?
8.    What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
9.    What is your favorite flower?
10.  What is your passion?

My Responses:

1.      Who is your favorite philosopher?
Philosophy in general has been such a huge part of my life as I continue searching for inspiration. As a result, picking a favorite philosopher is difficult.  I’m going to say Plato, because I really like the Allegory of the Cave in his book The Republic. Perhaps, I’ll write a post on it sometime.  I really find it to be an inspirational and interesting story.  Honestly, Plato has so many wonderful stories that help me to consider the world around me in a different way. 

2.    What is your favorite number?
13 because people think it’s a spooky or cursed number or a sign of bad luck in America, but I’ve always had good luck from it.

3.    What is your favorite Animal?
I love cats.  I’m a total cat lady.  My family has two cats.  Perhaps another post coming soon on my cats, maybe I’ll even upload some of my classy cat movies to YouTube!  I bet no one can wait for that!  I’m laughing, but am slightly serious.

4.    What are your Facebook and Twitter urls?
Twitter URl: 

5.     What is your favorite time of the day?
I love any time of day when I’m able to relax and focus. So basically for me with Fibromayalgia, that would be any time that my pain is below a level 6 and the brain fog is low or non-existent!

6.    What was your favorite vacation?
I have had many wonderful vacations in my life.  The most recent one I could do was about four years ago. It was a fairly small trip (I haven’t been able to travel well for quite sometime). My husband and I took our daughters to Portland for a week. We had a lot of fun going to the zoo, the science museum, the mall, the gardens, and more.  This is my favorite because it was the last vacation I’ve been able to handle and we all had so much fun and I was able to participate fully at the time.

7.     What is your favorite physical activity?
My favorite physical activity is dancing.  I loved jazz, modern, and hip hop.  Since I’m not able to dance like I once could, I substitute water aerobics and often dance in the water.

8.    What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Mountain Dew

9.    What is your favorite flower?
Dandelion. I know it’s a weed not a flower. But I love that dandelions are so resilient and can grow and flourish anywhere. I’ve seen them push aside the concrete in sidewalks creating cracks to reach the sun.  I also think they are really pretty when they are blooming with the bright cheerful yellow and its always seemed a little magical to me that they transform into the light airy seeds that if you blow them dance in the wind.

10.  What is your passion?
My passions are my family, finding inspiration, and blogging.

10 Bloggers I’m Nominating

1.     The Feathered Nest
3.    Idle Chatter
5.    Chronic Mom
7.     Bright Days
8.    Athena Brady
9.    Late Bloomer
10.   Holly Fulford-Jeffrey

Thanks again for nominating me Human in Recovery!  Everyone else, please enjoy the nomination and consider participating. I chose each of you because I genuinely like your blog and find you to be inspirational!  


  1. Wow talk about blog prompts and compliments. I feel so honored to be recommended blogger #2. Keep up the great work telling your stories and inspiring through it all. That is what we are here on earth for I believe.

  2. Emily,
    You are so welcome. You deserve this one.

  3. Dawn @ The Feathered NestJuly 22, 2012 at 2:36 PM

    Hi sweet Emily! Thank you so very much, I'm honored that you would give me this award for my blog!! I'm not too good with doing these things but am so very thankful!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  4. Thank you so much for this bit of sunshine. I've subscribed to your post because you are inspiration.

  5. Emily, thank you so much I am honoured that you chose my blog.

  6. I really enjoy your blog and it totally fits with the Sunshine Blog Award. You truly deserve it!

  7. Thanks so much, Emily; I'm very touched that you've chosen me to be one of your nominated blogs! And I'm a fan of dandelions, too, or "wish flowers", as I like to call them. Hubby hates it when I blow them around; he doesn't want to make it any easier for more of them to grow!

  8. I love to blow on them and watch them fly around. So does my younger daughter. But my husband also hates that we end up with so many dandelions in the front yard. lol. It's worth it!

  9. Hi Emily, thank you so much for nominating my blog for the Sunshine

    Blog Award. I'm happy my blog inspire you. Have a great week :-)



  10. Thanks for the nomination, I plan on passing it on as soon as I get a chance! I really enjoy reading your blog as well.

  11. You were the first person to ever give me an award. You also write some of the most inspiring things I've ever seen anywhere. You truly deserve the award!
