Monday, July 2, 2012

Why I Blog

I have started the 31 day Ultimate Blog Challenge for July and the first challenge is to write a post about “why I blog”.  This seems like an easy question, but it really encompasses a lot.  

I decided to start my blog to help increase Fibromyalgia awareness and share the inspirations in my daily life that help keep thinking positively and coping admirably (most of the time!).

My blog is a precursor to a website that I hope to have up and running sometimes this month, but it has taken on a life of its own.  I find myself waking up in the morning excited as I decide what my posts will be.  If I end up being too busy to create a post, I feel a little disappointed.

Every time I log in to Facebook, I’m delighted to see a few more likes on my Facebook Fan page for Inspired Living with Fibromyalgia  (which just went live a few days ago) and when I log into Blogger I get excited by the number of hits and anytime a new follower in GFC or networked blogs arrives.

Ultimately, I blog because:
  • I love to write
  • I like the idea of helping others
  • I enjoy meeting other Bloggers
  • I have a lot of experiences and inspirations that I want to share
  • I think blogging is fun
  • I gain purpose and a sense of well being from Blogging
  • I love getting comments from people and making an impact on others
  • I enjoy the challenge of coming up with something new to say
  • I love illustrating quotes that have inspired me and sharing them
My purpose for blogging is to share inspirations, experiences and stories as I journey through my life with Fibromyalgia. 

My ultimate mission is to inspire others to live inspired lives, especially when times are tough and we find ourselves facing hardships, especially if those hardships are in the form of chronic health conditions.

The reason I blog, however, is far simpler. I blog because I LOVE it!


  1. Emily,
    I think your list of why matches what my list would be. I know you're busy, but if you get a chance you should check out the Bloggers Unite! tribe I created for community, support, and encouragement for those who love to blog. Even if I don't see you there, I've dropped your url into my reader, so I'll get your updates and check in as often as I am able.


  2. Day one and I'm the first comment? I hope this group is a good one because the challenge looked great and I definitely want to support a fellow fibro gal. I look forward to reading many more of your entries! Thank you for blogging as you and I both know how hard a day can be and just sitting sometimes can be super painful. Those tender points are rough!

  3. Thanks so much! This is a great group, but there are so many people, that not everyone is able to view every article. Also, I just changed over my commenting system, so there's some old comments still filtering their way back. I'm so glad to meet you.

  4. Hi Kina, I stopped by and joined the group, but haven't had much time to hang out and get to know people. I should have more time once the Ultimate Blog Challenge is over.
