Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Embracing My Past Mistakes and Moving Forward!

Source: Uploaded by user via Micaela on Pinterest
Making mistakes is actually a great learning tool that allows me move forward because I'm no longer afraid to make mistakes, instead I embrace them learn from them and keep going even when I'm afraid or know that I may say something embarrassing (with Fibro fog this happens a lot). I am certainly the type of person who keeps trying no matter what, and sometimes that means making big mistakes!  

Some of my biggest mistakes have been with how I have dealt with Fibromyalgia and how poorly I have communicated the issues that I’m facing with the people who love me and how much time and effort I put into trying to keep relationships with people who really were not there for me, but I was too afraid to let go.

I have taken years to find the right path for me, which involves very little medication, a great attitude, and pushing past my limits daily.  Before I reached this point, I made many mistakes.  I took medicine simply because the doctor prescribed it without really looking into them or understanding the side effects. I ate very poorly and ignored the issues caused by an unhealthy diet.  

I would get angry and frustrated with myself and the people around me, because I could not do what I wanted and allowed myself to blame other people.  I did not communicate how I was truly feeling to other people and I used to much of what little energy I had focused on the wrong things in life.

I have made so many mistakes in my treatment of myself, but if I had not made these mistakes, I would not be doing so much better as a whole today.  

Basically, I was a total mess and now I’m working my way towards success.  My hope is that others with Fibromyalgia will be able to learn from mistakes, but also learn that messing up with our choices or treatments is not a permanent condition unless we allow it to be! 

At any point, we can choose a different path. We can CHOOSE to be happy (yes, this may require medication at times). We can CHOOSE our treatments and WORK WITH our doctors. 

We can make MISTAKES and KEEP GOING. We can be EMBARRASSED or SCARED or FRUSTRATED and that is OKAY! As long as we KEEP GOING, TRYING, and LEARNING, we are doing GREAT! 

We can choose our own direction and treatments and take control of our Fibromyalgia and our lives. Yes, sometimes the Fibro will pop up when we don’t want it to or cause us to be unable to do anything for a day or two, but ultimately, every time we get going again as soon as possible and put ourselves out there again, we are learning from our mistakes and moving forward!

Gentle Cyber hugs to my Fibro Friends! May each of us make a mistake today and learn from it! 

Have you made a mistake recently that actually made you stronger or better or taught you something?


  1. Boy this sounds so much like what I am going through, and it is so hard.

  2. Wow! This sums it up for me. Thanks for writing this. I am on a path from Fibromyalgia to wellness on the Guaifenesin Protocol. I have made a number of mistakes on the protocol, but am now learning that it is not as complicated as I made it out to be. I stuck to it and am now getting off of all my pharma drugs. My symptoms have 95% vanished over the last 13 months. HOPE is so necessary for us. If we give up and don't believe it's possible to get well, we will never open our eyes to the answer right in front of us. Hugs to you all, Sabrina :-)

  3. Yes, it really is hard. Sabrina I'm glad you can relate. I am even happier that you have improved so much!

  4. Gentle hugs Fibro friend. I had a horrible (blinding) experience with Lyrica a few months back and vowed I am not going to do anymore drugs. I am taking Potassium now and believe it or not it is helping I am not sure why but I am grateful. I hope I can keep going on it but as you know it is very unpredictable.
    I rest when I am tired and learned long ago I am not invincible. Stress and Fibro do not go together. Take care. and good luck. B

  5. I am sorry I meant to say I started taking magnesium citrate NOT potassium. I works well for me for now. Sorry about the wrong name. B
