Friday, July 6, 2012

Fragmented Thoughts Today

Everything is looking up again. Sometimes, I have a hard time choosing what to write about or focusing on one topic. 

Today, I’m going to combine multiple unrelated thoughts into one post.  Hopefully, it won’t be too confusing.  I’m going to update on how fourth of July went, talk about my favorite dessert briefly, and then focus on an inspirational video that I found today and love!  

Welcome to my Fragmented Thoughts for the day!

Here's my first fragmented thought:
So I was really dreading Independence Day and basically threw a pity party for myself.  In the end, it all worked out though. 

I ended up having a great time at the BBQ we hosted.  Then I went to bed; missing the parade, the fireworks, and all.  But I was really happy to have the time with my family and friends.  And oddly enough, I slept more while fireworks were going off than I have all week!  I woke up feeling much better, still in pain but back down to my normal level 6-ish pain.

Then when I got up the next day, I was told that they kept a bunch of fireworks so we could get together and watch them on Thursday night and my parents would host dinner!  How great is that?  

I ended up getting to have the BBQ and spending time with everyone two nights in a row.  My daughters got to see the big firework display with their grandparents and we all got to see our smaller fireworks together the next night.

Ended up being a Happy Fourth of July After all! 

On to my next fragmented thought...

The ultimate blog challenge suggested topic for the day is: What is your favorite dessert?  Hmm. Anything with sugar, but I feel awful after eating it!  I had a yummy cupcake last night though.

Then for my last fragmented thought of the day. 
The ultimate blog challenge had a fantastic user suggestion for a topic. The other user suggestion is to post a YouTube video with a lesson to be learned from it.  I’ve done this in the past, but I found another video that I find inspirational today. 

This is a video about a man who was told he’d never walk without assistance again, who found a yoga instructor who believed in him and was willing to help, and worked really hard and never gave up.  He is now able to not only walk, he can run.  This is such a wonderful accomplishment and a true inspiration, especially for those of us with physical difficulties in life.  

The ultimate lesson that I learned from this video is to never give up.  We never know what accomplishments we might reach if we simply keep trying! Hope you enjoy the video!

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