Saturday, July 7, 2012

Trying to Add Discus Commenting System

I decided to add a new commenting system to my Blogger Blog, because I wanted one simple feature that wasn't available.  I want to be able to reply directly to a comment when people comment, instead of having it go to the full list.

This is essentially a test post to see if it is working.  If you have left comments previously on older posts, please don't worry, they will show back up in the new system in about a day.

Thanks for your patience while I attempt to add the new commenting system.  If it works, I think it will be a lot better!


  1. Testing new discus commenting system

  2. Testing reply

  3. MewithdifnamefortestJuly 7, 2012 at 4:34 PM

    LEaving comment

  4. meiwthdifferentnametestingJuly 7, 2012 at 4:36 PM

    I think it is working yay!

  5. Hey Emily, I am just helping with testing the new commenting system, so that you can have a real user :)

  6. Thank you! Now I know it is really working! I'm so pleased...
